至尊月卡 15

至尊月卡 1至尊月卡 2至尊月卡 3至尊月卡 4至尊月卡 5至尊月卡 6至尊月卡 7至尊月卡 8至尊月卡 9至尊月卡 10至尊月卡 11至尊月卡 12至尊月卡 13至尊月卡 14至尊月卡 15至尊月卡 16至尊月卡 17至尊月卡 18


1 V15大禮包:天使/惡魔/黑暗騎士碎片*200自選&自選高級橙色寶物配件

2 每日可重新整理寶物商店 5 次[pic=vip_newImg.png]

3 每日可進行寶物占星 80

4 每日可購買體力 16

5 每日可購買黃金 31

6 每日可購買兵團經驗 16

7 每日可購買競技場次數 26

8 每日可在日常任務中領取至尊禮包 1

9 可享受 VIP15 以下所有特權


累積獎勵獎勵: 1x V15 尊榮禮包

EXP: 300000

Arena ranking/Campaigns provides an additional: 20% arena coins/Allows you to open chest

Allows you to open chest: 11 times per day

currencyAdd: 20

heroDuel: 3

leaguephy: 3

lptsignin: 80

lptsignin2: 30

Allows you to claim on Shipyard missions: 4 times

Artifact Merchant: Unlock 8 Artifact slot

Speed up each Barracks : 4 time(s) per day

originalCost: 300000

Daily reset Underground: 6 times

Allows ten consecutive Level Sweeps 1


EXP: 300000

Purchase Extra Access to the Arena: 26

Buy Arrow (Archery Master in the Guild): 3 times

Purchase Access to the Duel of Champions: 1

Buy CrossPk: 20

Purchase Gold: 31

Buy Gold Bonus: 0

Buy buyGuildPower: 5

Buy Magic: 20

Buy Occupation: 20

Purchase Energy: 16

Buy TechNum: 4

Purchase Unit’s EXP: 16

Buy Artifact: 80

Buy ArtifactNum: 20


Refresh Cross Fight: 9999

Refresh Elemental: 9999

Refresh SkillBook: 50

Refresh Artifacts: 5

Refresh CityBattle: 3

Refresh CpShop: 10

Refresh HerofragShop: 200

Refresh hHonorArena: 15

Mastery refresh can lock onto 3 of your hero’s attributes.

Refresh Emblem Shop: 200

Refresh ShopHa: 15

Refresh ShopRaceTrail: 200